
Friday, April 24, 2020

My Dog Ellie

Friday 24 April

This is my dog Ellie also know as pup pup dog, she is a poodle cross bichon her favourite things to do are chew stuff and chew some more stuff. When we first got her she ate one of a dining room chairs like the hole leg no joke, she also had a problem with her bladder due to her dad, this ment she was always doing tiny drops of pee everywhere, luckily we got her fixed almost a year ago and she is all better now.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


April 22 2020 (DAY 29)

Yesterday I did word lab in my room, I chose 12 words and wrote them out, then I wrote them in rainbow letters and the I wrote them backwards and forwards. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Starry Night

April 17 2020 (DAY 24)

The Starry Night is a oil on canvas painting done by Vincent van Gogh. It was painted in June 1889 it describes a view from the east-facing window of his asylum room.Vincent  admitted himself to Saint-Paul-de-mausole lunatic asylum on the 23 of December 1888 after self mutilation of his left ear.

 Vincent brother theo received letters from his brother telling him he thought that The Starry Night was a failure, but if her were here today he would see how wrong his is now people gather from every where to see this wonderful painting. Fun fact the brightest star in the painting is not a star at all it is Venus, astronomers look at the time it was painted and Venus was in that spot whilst he painted it.

 van Gogh had mental issues he suffered from Depression and epilepsy, due to his epilepsy van Gogh saw colours differently hence why the painting has such a unique palet, and thats why the stars and the moon have such a bright yellow as he would of seen it as a suttle yellow.   The Starry Night - Wikipedia


April 17 2020 (DAY 24)

I have been doing fitness with my brother, we really like doing the 
jump jams in the lounge his favourite one is who let the dogs out.
it gets us up and about, we also tried doing the spider man challenge that was so hard, but if we keep practising we will be able to do it at the end of the lock down. 

Movie Day!!!!!

April 17 2020 (DAY 24) 

Yesterday I had a movie day, this is a great idea because it is getting cold now so it is always nice to snuggle up with you favourite blanket and whatch your favourite move. My favourite movies are Disney ones because they always have a happy ending.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


April 8 2020 (DAY 15)

Today I made soaps, they were so easy to make  and I had fun making them. They smell so good and and they are easy to use. 
I am about to make another batch of them out of a different type of soap. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My Turtle

April 8 2020 (DAY 14)

Hey guys I have been playing around with my turtle 
Gavin and teaching him some new tricks. He likes it when 
I feed him by hand and when I tip fresh water into his tank, he 
tries to get under the water so it splashes on his face.

 But he  is a bitter so I have to be careful, even though he has no 
teeth he still munches down hard. I have been looking up tutorials on how to train them but he does not really understand maybe on day he will get it. 

Saturday, April 4, 2020


April 4 2020 (DAY 10)

Today I have been making origami, I started making 
a box but it failed so I tried a different one and it worked.
I tried to find some Easter ones but most of them were really 
hard so I stuck with easy ones, I also made a goody bag and a mini book.

Friday, April 3, 2020


April 3 2020 (DAY 9)

Today I have been doing some drawings of dogs,
I used the tutorials from a YouTube channel
called DrawSoCute. It was fun drawing all the 
different types of dogs , what drawings have you been doing?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Pumpkin Soup šŸ²

April 2 2020 (DAY 8)

Today me and my Dad made pumpkin soup 
together. First Dad chopped the pumpkin up 
and put it into the pot, then I diced two onions 
and put them in to. We added Cumin, curry powder 
and finishing it off with coconut cream. YUM!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My Animals šŸ¶

April 1 2020 (DAY 7)

Hey guys Just putting a post up about my 
animals we took them for a walk today. Comment and tell me what type of animals you
have or want.