
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Hayleys mihi

Ko Aoraki Tōku maunga
Ko Waimakariri Tōku awa
Nō Ōtautahi ahau
Ko Towns Tōku Ingoa Whanau
Ko Young Tōku Ingoa Whanau
Ko Josh Tōku Matua
Ko Michelle Tōku Whaea
Ko Tony Tōku koro 
Ko Marilyn Tōku kuia
Ko Kobi Tuakana
Ko te Kura o Belfast Tōku kura
Ko Miss Rogers Tōku kaiako.
Ko Hayley Towns Tōku ingoa
Nō reira 

Tena koutou,tena koutou, tena koutou katoa

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Speech Intro

 Have you ever looked at something and it just annoyed you so much you almost got rage just thinking about. It might even be something as little as someone chewing with their mouth open to people that randomly stop in the middle of the street. That is called a pet peeve. Pet peeves can an effect on your emotions for me my pet peeve Xylophobia the feeling of wood some pet peeves include slow internet. Now what is a pet peeve, something that really pushes your buttons something that is so annoying so frustrating that you cant even deal.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Belfeast part 2

    On Tuesday we had Belfeast again it was so much fun. This week we got macaroni and cheese, there was a news reporter there she was interviewing kids to see what they thought of belfeast. She even interviewed me, I wonder what we will have at belfeast next. Thank you to all the classes that helped make the food for room 23 I am so excited for next times belfeast